Exhibition Chair in our Premium Navy Blue Leather with Holiday Accent Pillow
The holidays are meant to be a joyous time celebrated with friends and family, though in the weeks leading up to Santa’s arrival, there’s no denying we all feel the pressure to get everything holiday-ready in time. I’ll admit, I’ve had my fair share of annual holiday meltdowns, but now that I am so much more mature this year (relatively speaking, I guess), here are a few tips I’ve adopted to make sure I’m holiday-ready by Christmas:
Indoor Holiday Decor:
Think big items: throw pillows, wreaths, large holiday lighting accents and candles to name a few. These are the items you can store away if you plan to use them next year and can be unpacked with relative ease. When it comes to strands of Christmas lights or holiday garlands, it seems like no matter how meticulously I put those away every year, when it comes to bring those items out of storage they are a tangled mess. Certain items are inexpensive and plentiful that its much easier to just buy new each year, because spending an hour untangling $10 Christmas lights is enough to make anyone say bah-humbug.
Gift Giving:
Try and think back to last year what you received as gifts. Chances are you might remember a couple, but otherwise we mostly just remember who gave us a gift, not exactly what that gift was and that is what matters. Holiday shopping does not need to break the bank since the kindness of giving is what stays in our memory. Make a list of people you plan to give gifts to this year, set a budget you’ll stick to and get started sooner rather than later so everyone’s gifts arrive in time. Can’t decide what to get the people on your list who seem to have everything? Think of the items everyone enjoys receiving and could always use: marble key trays, modern picture frames, luxury candles and the list goes on. If you want to step it up a notch still, items with the first initial of the gift recipient are always appreciated (think jewelry, cufflinks, hand towels, etc).
Gift Wrapping:
“Just give it to me, I’ll do it.” If I had a nickel for every time I’ve said this to my friends who despise this part of the holiday preparation process, I’d have a lot of nickels. Gift-wrapping is my time to shine. Deciding how I’ll be wrapping my gifts each year, from the gift boxes, wrapping paper, tissue paper and ribbon, is like shopping for the perfect outfit, well, gift wrapping outfit. If you are indecisive on a gift-wrap outfit color scheme, what could be more sophisticated than making all the elements one color (matte black ribbon, paper, boxes and tissues paper perhaps?). You’d be amazed how enjoyable gift-wrapping becomes when you have all the parts laid out in front of you and one by one, beautiful packages start piling up under the tree (glass of wine and Bing Crosby tunes are optional though highly recommended while spending a cozy evening wrapping everyone’s gifts).
Most of all, remember this is supposed to be a celebrated time of the year, so make it a priority to enjoy the time you spend with loved ones. If you are looking for some modern home holiday inspiration, be sure to stop by our factory showroom in Bellingham and let the holiday cheer begin!