This product item is for ONE Strap (or belt) which fits ONLY the Argentina Style of the Barcelona Chair. If you are looking for straight belts that would fit on a original Knoll Barcelona Chair or many of the replicas that are on the market, including our own, then you need our other product:
Barcelona Chair Replacement Straps Our straps are genuine "belt-grade" cowhide straps that measure 30 x 1.5 inches x 5/32 inches thick. They are a raw/neutral color, smooth on one side and rough on the other. We have them professionally dyed to match the leather color that you can specify, either to match one of our colors or match a leather piece you send us. The cost of the dying is included in the price, however, there is an additional dye color match fee of $100 per strap order if you don't select one of our standard colors and would like us match your current belts or cushions.
Which Model Chair Do You Have? Since we began offering our belts, we have come to learn that there are generally 3 different models of the Barcelona Chair made over the past 60+ years. The strap requirements differ for each model. So double check your chair model before ordering to ensure you order the correct size belt.
- Knoll Barcelona Chairs: First, of course, are the the Knoll brand Barcelona Chairs which uses screws (on the older models) or rivets (on the newer models) to attach the straps. There are 17 straps per chair and 7 straps on the ottoman. The Standard 30 inch straps will fit both the back and seat cushions. These straps are 1.5 inches wide. You will need to punch your own holes and cut off extra length of the straps. Go to our other product for this strap: Barcelona Chair Replacement Straps
- Replica Barcelona Chairs: Next, there are the replicas from Italy and China which generally use rivets to attach the straps to the frame. There are 17 straps per chair and 7 straps on the ottoman. The Standard 30 inch straps will fit both the back and seat cushions. These straps are 1.5 inches wide. You will need to punch your own holes and cut off extra length of the straps.Go to our other product for this strap: Barcelona Chair Replacement Straps
- Argentina Style Barcelona Chairs: And finally, there is a style of chair which we call the "Argentina Style", which were made in the 1960s through 1970s (more or less). These models have bolt together frames and have straps that wrap around the frame and are sewn or riveted together at each end to form a loop. You will need 17 straps per chair . When you order the Argentina Style straps, we will make the straps with the loops on the ends so that you can unbolt the frame and install the belts.
Ordering Information:
This product item is one strap (or belt), not the whole set for your Argentina Style chair, and you will need to select your color.
- Standard Colors: These are the belts we use on our version of the Barcelona chair. These colors will suffice in 99% of the situations. If you are ordering one of our replacement cushions sets, we will match to that leather.
- Custom Color: Sometimes you only need a couple of belts for the repair, or maybe you don't like our standard colors, so in this case you can select the option "Customers Own Color" for the Belt Color to get the belts dyed to your prescribed color. There is a fee is $100 per color per order, regardless to how many straps you order for this service. After you add the belts to the shopping cart, you will also need to add this product to your shopping cart: Color Match Fee. If you already have your cushions, and want us to provide the straps to match those, we can do that too, buy you will need to send up a sample of your existing belt or the leather from your cushions.
Installation Information:
The procedure for installing the belts onto the frame can be challenging depending on the frame model you have; the screws are the easiest and the rivets are the most difficult. The Argentina Style frame is unbolted and the straps, with their installed loops, are slid onto the frame.