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Isamu Noguchi

Size: 51w x 36d x 15.5h
Base Price: $910.00
Qty in Stock Varies by Color
Isamu Noguchi believed the sculptor's task was to shape space, to give it order and meaning, and that art should "disappear," or be as one with its surroundings. Noguchi was an intelligent, articulate, and sensitive man. During World War II, he voluntarily entered a relocation camp for Japanese-Americans in Arizona�and then was unable to get permission to leave. After seven months, he was granted liberation. "I was finally free," he said gratefully. I resolved henceforth to be an artist only."

"To limit yourself to a particular style may make you an expert of that particular viewpoint or school, but I do not wish to belong to any school," Noguchi said. "I am always learning, always discovering." The Noguchi coffee table became his most famous table: "anybody could make a three-legged table," said Noguchi, I made my own variant of my own table."

Note: The Noguchi name is a registered trademark of the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum. The products sold on the ModernClassics.com website that appear to be similar to the Noguchi designs are just that, "similar�, and do not bear the signature of Isamu Noguchi, nor are they manufactured by or affiliated with the Noguchi Foundation or Herman Miller, Inc.
Date: 1/24/2025 11:10:20 AM