Upcharge for Customer Providing their Own Material

Base Price: $75.00
Price as Configured: $75.00
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2 To 4 Units
5 To 8 Units
9 To 999 Units
Item No.: C-O-M

Estimated Shipping Costs:
In-stock Products usually ship in 10 to 12 days, depending on our order voume. To get a shipping cost estimate, enter quantity and click the ADD TO CART button, then clck "View Cart" on the Pop-Up and use the shipping cost estimator on that Shopping Cart page.
When you wish to use your own fabric for our furniture, there is an extra cost of getting your material shipped to our overseas factory, including duties and taxes.  This Add-on Option is for this purpose and the cost is calculated based on the amount of material needed for the order. Please round up for the quantity.

While we offer a wide range of leathers and fabrics, sometimes you want to use your own fabric or leather.  In most cases, there isn't any problem with doing this.  Each our of products shows the material requirements for that specific piece.  

This COM charge is per unit, so enter the quantity of the pieces you are doing COM on. There are discounts for multiple pieces.

Date: 3/19/2025 9:43:23 PM